Is the lens in the eye becoming cloudy with advancing years. This typically happens slowly over months and years. Like a window pane slowly becoming dirtier. Usually, this causes a gradual reduction in your ability to see detail that cannot be improved with glasses. Certain types of cataract particularly affect your ability to read and scatters light, resulting in disabling glare particularly when driving at night.
Surgery is the only way treatment option for established cataract.
Cataract surgery is one of the miracles of modern science and amongst the most successful and reliable surgical procedures. Mr Barnes is highly experienced having performed over 8000 cataract surgeries with enviable results. With experience in the field than spans more than 25 years he is a trustworthy surgeon who always has his patients best interests at heart.
Cataract occurs in everyone if they live long enough. It is a normal ageing process of the lens in the eye. It happens at an earlier stage in people who smoke, in diabetes, those who have had previous inflammation in the eye like uveitis or intraocular surgery. The average age someone has cataract surgery in the UK is currently 76 years of age.
When symptoms significantly affect the quality of your life, the cataract can be removed and a clear intraocular lens (IOL) inserted in the eye.
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