Mr Eric Barnes MRCP FRCOphth
Graduated from St George’s Hospital Medical School, London (1988). He spent 3 years training in General Medicine followed by another 9 years training in Ophthalmology. During that period he worked at many London Teaching Hospitals including St Thomas’s, Charing Cross, Chelsea and Westminster, The Western Eye and Moorfields Eye Hospital (where he spent over 4 years).
His extended training cumulated in a 21 month extended oculoplastic fellowship with Professor Richard Collin, Professor Geoffrey Rose and Miss Michelle Beaconsfield.
Appointed as a consultant at the RVI in 2001 with a clinical interest in cataract surgery, peri-ocular tumours, eyelid malposition and watery eyes.
Keen interest in both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. Responsible for delivering the undergraduate ophthalmic course at Newcastle University since 2002. Involved in developing and delivering national courses in peri-ocular tumours and hosted the British Oculoplastic Surgeons Society annual conference in Newcastle (2008). Ophthalmic Audit Clinical lead from 2012-2015.
He is an advocate for healthy living and wildlife habitat conservation. In his spare time he is a keen wildlife and bird photographer, freelancing for the natural history company Naturetrek as a bird guide. He has led tours for them since 2006 to destinations including Japan, Madagascar and Ethiopia.